Financial Assistance Programs
Health and Hospital Districts, or public hospitals that are the indigent care providers for their community have additional requirements around their financial assistance program than other non-profit hospitals. These financial assistance programs often receive local tax funding to help cover the cost of patients not eligible for any other payer source.
VeritySource® software, by NSI, is used to determine eligibility for many of the largest, local tax supported programs in the country. Our software applies each of your policies and eligibility rules consistently and accurately across every applicant during each interview, ensures proof documents are collected, and records activity in a way that is easy to measure, manage and audit.If your system is the steward of local tax dollars for providing healthcare services to the eligible population in your community, we have the best practice solution for you. Simply talk to our Health and Hospital District customers about how VeritySource® has transformed their workflow and programs.
Grant Programs
Health and Hospital Districts often receive or manage grand funding to cover services for family planning, primary health care, breast and cervical cancer, HIV/AIDS (Ryan White), and others. VeritySource® can integrate eligibility determination for these programs into your interview for your financial assistance program. Save time, improve enrollment accuracy, make audits easy, and measure productivity with VeritySource® software, by NSI.

Inpatient Medicaid And Disability Assistance
If your hospital outsources it’s inpatient Medicaid and/or Disability assistance to an eligibility vendor, VeritySource® can help you measure eligibility vendor performance. Instead of letting the vendor select which patients to assist, your staff can proactively screen self-pay patients and make referrals to your vendor. Or, your staff can choose to keep certain cases to work in-house.
Handle your entire inpatient application assistance in-house? VeritySource® has a full suite of tools proven to help you manage and optimize your caseload.